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Coastal Maine Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Coastal Maine Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Dental Implants Scarborough, ME

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Home Surgical Procedures Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction Scarborough

Row of wooden tooth shapes, one of which is being pulled out of the row by dental pliersA common concern among many patients is going to see the dentist. There is a large contingent of patients who simply get stressed out about having to get dental work done. It is even more so when patients need to have something more than just a cleaning done such as a tooth extracted.

For those patients who are in need of exodontia, which is the technical term for having a tooth pulled, they can rest easy. The procedure is very straightforward and is performed countless times each week. In most cases, it is a preventative measure done to ensure decay and infected tissue does not spread to other healthy teeth. The most commonly extracted teeth are by far and away the wisdom teeth.

One consideration many patients fail to realize is that extraction is always viewed as a last resort. Other measures will be taken to try and save the tooth. This is due to the fact that once the tooth is extracted, there are a whole host of other restorative procedures that will likely be necessary in order to restore the patient's high level of oral health. For those patients who know they need to have a tooth extracted or who are in need of an evaluation, please come to our Coastal Maine Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery office to find out more.

When Do I Need an Extraction?

Our office makes every effort to save a tooth to help restore its lost functionality but there are some situations in which the tooth cannot be saved. It might simply be that the disease has spread too deeply into the tooth, and it needs to be extracted in order to ensure the other teeth remain healthy.

There are two different types of extractions. The first is known as a simple extraction while the second is called a surgical extraction. The simple extraction is just as it sounds, simple and straightforward. It is the least complicated of the two procedures. It uses a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and gums, so the patient is desensitized before the tooth is removed using gentle pressure applied by handheld tools.

The surgical extraction also uses sedation dentistry, and, in most cases, the patient is fully sedated and remains completely immobile during the surgical procedure. The surgical extraction is reserved for those teeth that are impacted and present complicated circumstances.

Extraction Recovery

Tooth extractions have been around for centuries. Thankfully, the procedure has evolved quite a bit since then. Following a tooth extraction, patients should eat soft foods and rest to allow the extraction site to heal properly. If instructions are followed, the recovery period will be shorter than if they are not.

What Happens After an Extraction?

After a tooth extraction, it's important to consider replacing the missing tooth to maintain oral function and prevent bone loss. We can place a dental implant in the extraction site, offering a permanent solution that looks and functions like a natural tooth. Dental implants not only restore your smile but also help preserve the integrity of your jawbone and surrounding teeth.

Any patient who is nervous about the tooth extraction procedure or simply would like to know more about it is welcome to come into our Coastal Maine Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery office to find out more. We are also available by phone at 207-401-5006. Contact us today to get your appointment scheduled.

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Tooth Extraction • Scarborough ME
Coastal Maine OMS offers safe and efficient tooth extraction services to relieve pain and protect your dental health. Call us today to schedule your appointment!
Coastal Maine Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 180 US-1, Scarborough, ME 04074, 207-401-5006,, 9/23/2024, Tags: Dental Implants Scarborough ME,